Friday, January 26, 2007

Foot to Mouth Resuscitation

Just for all my friends who think I have become a born again evangelical in the worst possible way ... For the friends of mine that don't read and therefore don't get it, please refer to the fantastic visual at the top on the right.

Feel the fun! I am OK. Same old same. Sarcasm always gets me into trouble.

We all use quotations to support our point of view, right or wrong, we learnt it in year five english. It is what we do. Find somebody, anybody that backs your position... for the sake of the mark, or to fit in with the teacher's bias or just a bloody long one so it was less words required of your own original thought to complete an essay.

I often quote the Bible in my posts. It is not intended to offend or to promote Christianity. Humanity has been guilty of gross discrimination in the name of "god", however he is defined. If in fact there is a "god", he/she would think that we suck.

This blog is not about religion.

I'm a preacher's kid, my world view is different to yours, I get that. I have been kicked by 'sinners' for being a preacher's kid and I have been kicked by christians for being a 'sinner'. It is my point of reference, my lens to view the world and damn it, I'm not bitter... much. There are many of us who have been kicked continually throughout our lives for many reasons and in many ways. Finding a voice is important. If you need help, ask.

If anyone still thinks that I need resuscitation from my John the Baptist fit. By all means begin foot to mouth resuscitation.

Australia Day Breakfast

When I go out for breakfast I always order 1 poached egg on 1 piece of toast. Since being in San Francisco I have been more than just a little homesick and have renewed an old habit...

1 poached egg on 1 piece of vegemite toast.

Now before you scrunch up your nose and tell me I'm disgusting ... give it a go, it's a winner.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Fear kicks and kills, will bind and silence. Fear proclaims its prejudice loudly, stands in judgment and self righteousness. Fear is ignorant and lacks the desire to be educated.

We marginalize those who are different, who we don’t understand and who we are afraid of.

As a friend of mine asked "How to act?" ... it's a good question.

Monday, January 22, 2007

A New Start

I am making a new start. There has been much discussion about responsibility, completion, time to wait and see, reconnaissance and just getting on with life.

I no longer want to begin. I have begun.

Lean on your strengths
This quotation from Joan Erikson is one of my favorites.
"In order not to fail in the end, you have to be dependent on yourself and know that you can handle things. Most importantly, bring a little humor into despair. Lightness, imagination, flexibility-these are the things that go into making a new start."

Just as it is important to stand on your own two feet ... it is just as important to know when you should let go and lean. I would be lying if I said I am without fear. Bring on the avalanche!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Rocky Balboa and the Prodigal Son

Rocky Theme (for effect)

Everyone is wise is hindsight ... everyone can understand that an irresponsible calculating, violent, addicted, molesting, mongrel father is a painful experience... maybe one you'll never get over in this lifetime but, even a well meaning, loving, ever watchful father can still be, from a child's perspective, a pain in the ass.

Not until we are parents ourselves do we realise that we are blind to the privilege afforded by our parents. Rocky Balboa is not a movie I would recommend rushing out to see at the cinema, however there is a scene in which Rocky addresses his son which is unmissable.

Rocky Balboa "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done. Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hit, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you are because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain't you. You're better than that!" Watch the clip here:

My father, from my perspective, drives me mad, frustrates me, imposes and trivialises many of my important issues. From his, my father's point of view ... (something he learned from his father ... the hard way) Parents are always due respect. "What folly it is to cross the line and to assert ones untried 'superior knowledge', because it ain't over. You don't want to burn your bridges before you know whether or not you've got the real thing".

Cutting trivia short is a loving attempt to salvage some of the wisdom passed through the experience and shame that came from crossing the line with his own father. Nevertheless somehow he still finds a way to inspire, encourage, lift, direct and comfort me just as often.

My mother absorbs more than I can tolerate and covers her children constantly,without thought to herself or consequence like only a mother can. She also bakes the best scones in Australia.

It isn't easy living under the life and legacy of my parents. It isn't any easier for them to live amongst my achievements and failures. To recognise the privilege afforded by my parents ... to teach, to recognise potential, to mentor and support throughout growth ... this prodigal, although not a son, loves much and appreciates more the opportunities to live and to grow. Thank you.

Luke 15:11-31

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Is it enough to have open eyes without ever really seeing?

I have walked down the streets in San Francisco sucking myself in holding my breath and desperately trying to practice the dead eyes that move on quickly past the poor, the hungry, the charlatans, the hurting, the homeless, the sick, the beaten and addicted souls that live on the edge of my otherwise comfortable life.

I don't like what I think when I see you. I don't want to be afraid.

I want to look and to see, but more than that I want to let myself be seen and be the person brave enough not to look away.

I found Tom Stone's online gallery today. He has captured some of the faces I have passed by and over and today I really saw them for the first time ... I am ashamed. His work is remarkable and best described in his own words:

"I photograph people who skirt the edges of things; people whose connection to the broader flow is murky or obscured. Mistaken as more, less or different than they are; they aren’t really seen and don’t really belong. That’s everyone sometimes; but some more often. I try to establish a line for a moment. I hope to connect. And I see the most beautiful and the most heartbreaking things." please continue reading Tom Stone's statement here

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

Friday, January 12, 2007

Definition:Jesus Crispie

A Jesus Crispie is a person who talks of God, Church and Jesus but obviously has never read a single word that Jesus said.

They practice flaky doctrine that most likely came out of a cereal box.