Monday, May 21, 2007

Expectations and Outcomes

OK ... so I have had a rough week. I apologise for my bout of melancholy. The pity party is over. Sometimes you just have to open the blinds and let the sun in.

The kick in the behind that got me out of this present phase of blues was this post from Zern, our beliefs and expectations of others - the last paragraph was the stand out for me.

It is true. How we choose to frame our world and the expectations we place on others will effect the quality of life we live. I have a positive expectation of the friends around me and the new people I meet. I honestly believe that we can have positive, authentic meetings, sharing, being, etc. And I do. But when it comes to the people closest to me, those I love, my family ... in truth, my expectation is that they will screw me over or let me down ... that is a mindset that needs changing starting now. Thanks Zern.

1 comment:

Farmer Ted said...

How much of our life do we spend managing expectations -- our own. Don't we all yearn for a place where we are there with special "Huckleberry" friends? Simple and fun. Yeah. We can have that. We just have to look for it where we are.