Saturday, June 9, 2007


The rain has continued all yesterday, all last night and on and off today. I stayed in, kept warm, made cups of tea and spag bol ... comfort seems to be the priority of this long weekend.

Others of us seem to have been more brave ... here, via Stilgherrian

But even as I was reading Stilgherrian's post and the photograph of Victoria Street, Potts Point, I couldn't help but imagine the horror of being homeless in weather like this. Where do the homeless go for a cup of tea? A respite from the rain? There aren't enough beds in the shelters for everyone. Do they think of calling home? Do they drink another bottle just to forget how cold and wet they are? Do you care?

Tom Stone photographs people on the fringes. This photograph "silent roar" has haunted me since I discovered his work in San Francisco.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
