Saturday, June 16, 2007

Children bring you back to earth.

I've had a huge week emotionally. I feel spent and resigned to crap tv and chunky monkey icecream as my boy would say.

I have my beautiful girl with me this weekend.

My daughter put her head on my lap and as I was stroking her hair I noticed the little nit eggs. My ex has been talking of it for months now and I have never found evidence ... do we will these things upon ourselves? To see the eggs for real is not a difficult exercise ... I just wish that it was easy to describe to a parent experiencing it for the first time.

I was at the chemist trying to determine which nit comb to purchase. Obviously a different one from whatever the ex had used was obvious. There were three other mother's trying to determine the same thing, the seventeen year old assistant wasn't much help.

So we got home after jumping puddles and dodging shopping trolleys. In the bath and the combing begins

1 comment:

Andrew Boyd said...


I found your story touching - I had three girls myself (now grown beyond nits, yay!). Treatment options ten years ago were either nasty chemicals, herbal shampoos that never seemed to cut it, or the nit combs that helped a bit.

My ex and I found an electric nit comb - not sure if they still make them - that worked a bit like the bugzapper things they use in fish shops to get the flies. In the end it worked the best of all. I remember it was white and took an AA battery, but can't remember the name, sorry.

PS: love the blog, got onto it via Zern's, and I've been meaning to leave a comment now for weeks :)

Cheers, Andrew