Saturday, March 3, 2007

More on life as a blank book

I have loved Anais Nin since I first discovered her diaries. I was 21 sitting on the floor of the Stanton Library in North Sydney astounded by a woman who was so honest. Her thoughts could have been my thoughts many decades apart. A beautifully brave, honest woman. I was flicking through my notes today and came across this quotation from Anais, it seems to fit and may well be the inspiration for my philosophy of the blank book, enjoy ...

"What makes people despair ... is that they try to find a universal meaning to the whole of life and then end up by saying it is absurd, illogical, empty of meaning. There is not one big, cosmic meaning for all, there is only the meaning we each give to our life, an individual meaning, an individual plot, like an individual novel, a book for each person. To seek a total unity is wrong. To give as much meaning to one's life as possible seems right to me. For example, I am not committed to any of the political movements which I find full of fanaticism and injustice, but in the face of each human being, I act democratically and humanly. I give each human being his due. I disregard class and possessions. It is the value of their spirit, of their human qualities I pay my respect to, and to their needs as far as I am able to fulfill them ..." Anais Nin

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