Saturday, July 28, 2007


I am a loner much of the time. My friends are generally of the same disposition. We love catching up and sharing time together, but then we are happy to be on our way and do our own thing. What makes friends special is that they don't mind that you need to go walkabout or take a sabbatical. They get it. They can hear not a breath from you in 6-12 months and then still pick up and carry on where you left off. When I am going through stuff,I tend to internalise it. I like to crawl into my cave so to speak and leave the world to continue without me. This week has been huge for me. Change is happening. Change is good, but it isn't without cost. I am so far out of my comfort zone right now, I was so thrilled to receive a phone call from one of my dear friends I haven't seen for over a year, calling because he felt I needed a hug. I so did. Thank you Juddy.

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