Monday, April 16, 2007

Missing In Action

So it has been too long since my last post. I have just returned from spending time with my wonderful friends in Melbourne in celebration of their marriage. A truly international guest list, covering the USA, South America, UK and Europe. Between email, voip and discount airfares the world really isn't such a big place. So thrilled to have met some outstanding people, catch up with old friends and generally return home far more alive and with plenty to ponder for sometime to come.

It is so rare for us to just stop and make time to enjoy friendship for more than a coffee or lunch. I enjoyed every moment, be it the kick in the pants from she who knows me too well or the brave insight from a new friend, the deep and meaningful discussions or the puerile antics. I danced,laughed and cried ... I now remember that there is more to life than a computer and a high speed internet connection.

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